Refresher training course for 29 CHNVs
Amran Governorate
According to the situation in Yemen and due to the negative effects of the war, and its impact on people who are affected by it. in form of high cost of living, lack of food and the absence of awareness of the importance of healthy nutrition, etc.,in addition it is expected that nearly 2.3 million children under the age of five will suffer from Severe malnutrition in Yemen during 2021.With a desire to mitigate the scale of the disaster, and under the supervision of the MOPHP and the generous funding from Penny appeal Organization, NDEO is holding a refresher training course for 29 community health and nutrition volunteers. The training cover the ways to deal with various epidemics and diseases, including Covid-19.This activity is one of the activities of the Emergency Response for IDPs ans Affected Communities Project , which is being implemented in the districts of Hawth and Maswar in Amran Governorate.
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